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Online PhD Degree Programs – International Qualifications and NARIC

When applying for the many various online PhD UK Programs available in the Web today, probably one of the major concerns for applicants from a different country is how to compare their qualifications with those in the standards of the country in which the university they wish to apply in is located. This is where the significance and importance of organizations such as the National Academic Recognition Information Centre (NARIC) come into play. Countries in the EU and EEA, as well as all associated countries in Eastern and Central Cyprus have designated NARICs, forming the NARIC network.

NARIC compares academic and international qualifications and provides statements, commentaries and the like to applicants who wish to apply to a university of a different country. Most of the time NARIC doesn’t have the authority to override the decisions and decision making factors taken into consideration by a university, but it does have an advisory role. For online PhD Degree Programs that attract international students to apply to mostly UK, and European universities, NARIC’s international qualification comparison is invaluable. It should be a priority of an applicant to acquire NARIC comparison of his or her qualifications to see if they do match the requirements of the university he or she is after before applying to the university.

For the universities’ part, most of the time when it comes to international students, the only thing they can look at to decide whether or not a candidate is qualified, if his credentials, achievements, and international qualifications. So in applying for online PhD UK Programs, it is best to first know how your qualification fare to those required by the standards of the university you wish to enter.

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